Biggest Lies About The Great People Of India
Hello my dear friends & followers, I welcome all of you to our Uc news Rocking India channel where you get inspirational & truth related articles everyday. Today I have brought an article about the biggest lies about the great people of India. These great people are still alive in the heart of the people of India. But there are rumors spread by fake people who never participated in country's freedom fight. Let me show those lies to all of you here.
As we all know that Subhash Chandra Bose is one of India's greatest country devotees who played a major role in liberating of the country. According to Mukherjee report of 1999, Subhash Chandra Bose did not die in the plane. Let me tell you that the court had rejected this report & there was no record of plane crash.
Most of you might have see the movie Milkha, where it is shown that Milkha Singh was not on any position in 400m race in the 1960 Rome Olympics but the fact is something different. During the race he was on the 5th position, but after huge efforts, he was able to secure the 4th position.
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As we all know that Mahatma Gandhi was the one who played an important role in liberating the country. Most of his fans think that strong dialogue mentioned in the film has been said by Mahatma Gandhi, but in reality it was the role of Mahatma Gandhi in a movie.
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Here we see Mahatma Gandhi picture of dancing. Let me tell you that this photos is not real. There was a short film made on our father of nation after his death. But most of the people take it in a negative way because it is presented nearby some people. What do you say about this article guys?
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What are the greatest lies in Indian history?
- That Mongols were unsuccessful in india. The truth is they were successful in entering and establishing themselves in Kashmir at the beginning of 13th century. See the map of Mongol Empire in 12th century much of North-West india was under Mongol control.
- That Indian Kings failed against foreign invader:- Given the love of Greeks to praising their king, our own king puru was quite successful in resisting him in Punjab. The fact that Alexander returned to Babylonia from Punjab confirms it. Chandragupta Maurya successfully ruled greeks in north west india. King Skanda Gupta Successfully defeated Hun invaders. Mewad King Bappa Rawal was successful to defeat muslim kings of Sindh. Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb twice inflicted defeats on English Army. British were not making any moves as long as Aurangzeb and Maratha Kings were powerful and Vigilant.
- That Ashok was benevolent:- He was very ruthless ruler who went on mass killlings. His Dhamma policy was basically an Image Makeover exercise so that he could have his name as greatest emperor.
- That Congress and Gandhi gave india her freedom:- I agree that Gandhi was able to pull people of diverse background together for greater purpose of Freedom, but in reality it was Great Mutiny of Royal Indian Navy which actually set the process. Remember British had utilised Armed forces in quelling NCM and CDM. They fired on innocent civilians in Jalianwala. But the mutiny really shook their foundations and they decide to pack their bags. This mutiny does deserve more attention than Quit India movement.
- That Indira Gandhi forced Emergency.:- Yes she was the one who announced Emergency. But It was Siddharth Shankar Roy who recommended Emergency. Congress leaders did not cared about people back then.
- That Jayaprakash Narayan was great freedom fighter.:- yes he was indeed a selfless freedom fighter in pre-independence days. But his behaviour during 70s was like a Bully. He advocated gherao to PM house which is like threatening and House arrest for PM. Being an advocate of democracy, instead of demanding early elections he asked Indira to dismiss governments one after another. He was equally responsible for bringing about Emergency.
- That Jawaharlal Nehru was a popular leader:- This is a big lie. The fact that he was not the first choice for the post of Prime Minister speaks itself. The early congressmen did not support his nomination. Instead they were confident about Sardar Patel. 12 out of 15 provincial committies supported Patel not Nehru. He earned popularity after becoming PM.
- That Nehru were concerned about Kashmir:- Despite being a Kashmir origin he was hesitent to send the Army to save Kashmir. He was more concerned about India’s Image at world forum. Again Sardar Patel prevailed and get the orders for Army Deployment. Such a strange native!!!
- That Indian communist are patriots:- Indian communist parties did work against Quit India movement when Russia-Germany war started. They held their loyalty to Russian party but not to India. They helped British to foil the movement. Again they deride Indian Independence in 1947 as fake freedom. They change their stand in post independence period might be.
- That India adopted Non Alignment Movement:- in reality India was slowly leaning towards Soviet Russia during 50s and 60s. The fact that Russian border was co terminus with indian borders was a major factor. The transition was conpleted with India Russia Pact of 1972. India’s olive branch to China, non protest of Hungery invasion confirms its leftist turn. It was the balance of Payment crisis made India to Balance with western world.
- That Delhi has been Capital:- Yes Delhi is capital of India. But it became Capital from 1200 AD onwards. There are other cities which holds that honor. The City of Patna was the capital of India During The Mauryas and The Gupta. India was united under these two governments. Infact Patna city held that honor for nearly 500 to 600 years. During British period Allahabad (for some time) And Kolkatawere Capitals of India before Moving it back to Delhi. Simla was summer capital of India.
- That British were responsible for Partition:- The plan for Partition came from Indian politicians not british. We often blame them for Divide and Rule policy. But if we knew it we didn’t stand against it in 1945–46 like we did in 1905 against Bengal Partition. The Plan of Partition was approved by the assemblies of Bengal, Punjab and Sindh. All these assemblies had Muslim League govts. It is Muslim League which should be clearly blamed. But our books are silent about it.
- That Nehru was responsible for Tibet Blunder:- It is partial truth. India-China war was fought on McMahon line fixing issue. But the Line was drawn by British Government. The Simla Agreement of 1914 started this issue. In this no Indian politician was involved. Parties were British,China and Tibet. Nehru was acting on the maps which were drawn before and approved by Tibet govt. The Only mistake of Nehru was not to train Indian Army in Himalayan Warfare. But subsequent government addressed this issue.
- That Bengal was partitioned only in 1905:- One of the biggest lie our books tell us. Bengal was partitioned twice in 1905 and in 1947.
- In our Economic Books attention is given to the Five-Year economic plans but most Important Economic Decisions were taken in Plan Holiday Periods. Such as Green Revolution,(1966) Bank Nationalisation (1969), Liberalisation policy(1991). All these decision had a positive impact of functioning of Indian Economy and helped it become a leading economy.
- That first elections were held in 1951:- This is a lie. First ever general elections in India were held in 1920. The First General election of Independent india were held in 1951. The only difference between two was in 1920 voting rights were limited to a few groups of society and in 1951 voting rights were given to all people. Our textbooks has omitted this important event. 1920 Elections took first important practical step towards development of democracy in India.
- That India never invaded other country:- Though it not lie we are told but a common perception. It is false. Sri Lanka, Maldives and Indonesia were integral parts of Chola Empire of Tamilnadu. Under British control India fought 3 wars with Afganistan, 2 wars with Nepal and 2 wars with Mynmar. In fact Mynmar was a part of British India till 1936. British raj used Indian soldiers in all these military campaigns.
- That 31 October belongs to Indira Gandhi:- It is not lie but a Suppressed Truth. 31 October is the birth date of Sardar Patel. The man who unified 500+ princely states with India. Both Indira Gandhi and Sardar Patel deserve remembrance at the same day. Why Congressmen dislike one of there influential leaders?
- Truth of 15 August:- we celebrate our independance day on 15 August. But the date was chosen specifically because on 15 August 1945 Japan surrendered before Allies which include British. Wheras, Indian Leaders had fixed the date of 26 January as Date of Purna Swaraj means Indepedence our politicians including Patel, Nehru and Gandhi didn’t stick to our fixed date. Isn’t it logical to celebrate our own Purna Swaraj date as Independence Day instead of celebrating date of British Victory? I know that we wanted early freedom but we could have change the date to show that our Freedom Day truly compliment our freedom struggle.
- About Integration of Indian States:- Our History books ends the story our freedom movement with Integration of 500+ states in India. They said that Integration was completed between 1946–1948. It’s a half truth. Goa become part of India in 1961 and Sikkim become part of India in 1975. Today’s Indian map we see comes into existence after 1975 not 1947. It is so surprising that India took 14 years to free and Join Goa after independence.
- Period of British Rule:- we are told that British ruled India for 150 years but is a lie. For State of Bengal it lasted for 190 years (1757 to 1947) for Punjab it lasted for 100 years (1847 to 1947) and For India it lasted for 90 YEARS. British expansion ended in 1856. After 1857 the British Government took control and Principle states in India Acknowledge British Crown as King. They surrendered their foreign affairs and economic policy powers to British. So talking for India British rule lasted only for 90 years from 1857 to 1947.(effective control).
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