Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Did PM Modi insult an old, handicapped man?

Did PM Modi insult an old, handicapped man?

A short video of clip of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has gone viral on social media in which he is seen apparently ‘insulting’ an old, handicapped man.
PM Modi with Om Prakash Kohli

The clip is from the inaugural ceremony of the Unity of Statue which was held on October 31, 2018. As the old man comes on the stage to get a group photo clicked, the prime minister seemingly does not greet him and walks away instead as soon as the group photo is clicked.
This old gentleman has been identified as former Gujarat governor Om Prakash Kohli. However, it is clear that the prime minister’s aim was not to insult the former Gujarat Governor. Both leaders have shared a warm rapport over the years and there have been many photos of them laughing together.
The clinching evidence, however, which destroys the theory that PM insulted OP Kohli, is another video clip from the same event in which Kohli is asking Modi sit down on a chair on the stage but Modi refuses to sit until Kohli is presented with a souvenir.

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