Sunday, October 21, 2018

the road not taken

                                                        THE ROAD NOT TAKEN

                                  Two roads diverged in a yellow woods,
                                            and sorry i could not travel both
                                      and looked down one as far i could
                                     to where it bent in the in the undergrowth;
                               then took the other ,as just as fair,
                                  and having perhaps the better claim
                                   becouse  it was grassy and wanted wear'
                                   though as for that the passing there
                                   and boh that moving equally lay
                                   in leaves no step had trodder black.
                                 oh,knowing how many leads on to way
                                i doubted if i should ever came back.
                              i shall be telling this with a sign
                              somewhere ages and ages hence;
                                 two roads diverged in a wood,and i,
                                   i took the one less traveled by,
                                     and that has made all the difference.

                                                Robert Frost

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